Creating CheckBoxes in an Applet Window using Advanced Java Programming

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The Checkbox are used where there are multiple options for a user and a user have a option to Select any Options either he may choose only a Single Option or either he may select all options. The check boxes have two states selected or un-selected or true and false or on and off, etc. There are two Types of Checkboxes in Java.

1. Non exclusive- in this we can select a series of check boxes.
2. Exclusive – in this we can select only one form a given Series of Options of from Checkboxes. It behaves like a Radio or option Button.
For creating check Box.

  1. Checkbox() create empty.
  2. Checkbox(String) with a string
  3. Checkbox(String,Boolean) This will first creates a check box with text string and then it specifies whether it is selected or unselected.
  4. Checkbox(String, Boolean, null ) the null is used for specifying whether it is part of a checkbox group or no CheckboxGroup used to Create Option Buttons from the Checkboxes and Third Argument of Checkbox will determine whether a Checkbox is a Part of Option Buttons because JAVA doesn't provide a Separate Method For Creating an Option or Radio Buttons. For Creating a Option Button we have to use CheckboxGroup and then Specify the name of CheckboxGroup while Creating a Checkbox as like this.
CheckboxGroup cg=new CheckboxGroup();
CheckBox c=new CheckBox("City", True, cg);

The following example displays checkboxes on the applet using the Checkbox class.

The above code will be stored in the file called, which on compilation will crate a class file called Button.class. Now compiple this file using below commands in the DOS mode:


"Output of"

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Methods of the Button Object:
getLabel()used for Retrieving the text of Checkbox.
setLabel(String)Used to Specify the Text of Checkbox.
getState()Check whether a Checkbox is Selected or Not.
setState(Boolean)Used to set the State either True or false.

AWT Controls

Label Buttons Check Boxes Radio Buttons
Choice Controls TextFields & Password TextAreas Scrolling Lists Scrollbars

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