Calling a servlet from within an HTML page

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Servlets URLs can be used in HTML tags. This section shows servlet URLs being used as the destination of an anchor, as the action in a form, and as the location to be used when a METa tag directs that a page be refreshed.

To invoke a servlet from within an HTML page the servlet URL should be used in the appropriate HTML tag. Tags that take URLs include those that begin anchors, forms, and meta tags.

The following is a Survey form, which captures the user input as shown in diagram 24.18. On clicking the button 'Submit', the servlet i.e. Survey processes the data and returns a page, which displays the information entered in the form as shown diagram 24.19

Following is the source code of the HTML page i.e. Survey.html:

Diagram 24.18 Output of Survey.html

The following is the source code for Survey.class

Diagram 24.19 Output of Survey.class

Java Servlet Programming


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