JTextArea on JPanel implements ActionListener

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A text area is a text control that lets the user enter multiple lines of text.

Text areas are implemented in Swing with the JTextArea class. It takes the following constructor methods:

  1. JTextAread(int, int) A text area with the specified number of rows and columns.
  2. JTextArea(String, int, int) A text field with the specified text , rows and columns.


The following example creates a text area object of 10 rows and 20 columns.

The following table describes some of the methods provided by the JTextArea class

append(String)Appends the given string to the end of the document.
void getColumns(int)
int getRows(int)
Returns the number of columns and rows in the text area.
insert(String, int)Insert a specified text at the specified position in the text area.
void setRows(int)
void setFont(Font)
The setRows() methods sets the number of rows for the text area and the setFont() method sets a specific font for the text.

The following example displayed one text field and one password field.

C:\>jdk1.4\bin>javac TextAreaDemo.java
C:\>jdk1.4\bin>java TextAreaDemo

"Output of TextAreaDemo.class"

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Java Swing-1

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