JMenu in Java Swing

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The menu component in swing enables you to list various available options. JMenuBar in swing is set on the top area of the Window displaying the GUI for a Java application. A menu bar contains one or more menus with a number of menu items. Swing enables you to add icons, check boxes and radio buttons as menu items. The below figure shows the hirerarchy of menu components that swing supports:

All the JMenu components inherit from the JCOmpoent class of Java. The syntax to create a JMenuBar in Java Swing is:

A JMenuBar is set on the top of the container used for containing various components of a GUI. The syntax to set a JMenuBar at the top of the container is:

The syntax to create various menu and add the menu to the JMenuBar is:

The syntax to create menu items is:

The syntax to create a JMenuItem with icons associated with it is:

Consider the following example, which shows the use of JMenu to create a menu that displays icons with each menu ites:

C:\>jdk1.4\bin>java JMenuDemo

Displaying JMenu in Swing

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  -    -  JMenu's Icons

Java Swing-II

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